# WP SUPER CACHE 1.2 function wpcache_broken_message() { if ( false == strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-admin' ) ) echo ""; } if ( false == defined( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) ) { define( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM', 1 ); } elseif ( !include_once( WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase1.php' ) ) { if ( !@is_file( WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase1.php' ) ) { define( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM', 1 ); } } if ( defined( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM' ) ) register_shutdown_function( 'wpcache_broken_message' ); ?> /* Plugin Name: TimThumb Vulnerability Scanner Plugin URI: http://codegarage.com/blog/plugins/timthumb-vulnerability-scanner Description: Keep your instances of Timthumb up to date and free from vulnerabilities simply. Bonus - checks for obvious signs of compromised sites. Author: Peter Butler Version: 1.54 Author URI: http://peterbutler.me/ */ if ( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) { die('Please do not load this file directly.'); } include_once 'class-cg-tvs-plugin.php'; $CG_TVS_Plugin = new CG_TVS_Plugin(); if(is_admin()){ $CG_TVS_Plugin->init(); } add_action( 'admin_menu', array($CG_TVS_Plugin, 'add_menus' ) ); register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($CG_TVS_Plugin, 'activate' ) ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array($CG_TVS_Plugin, 'deactivate' ) ); // For automatic daily scans add_action('cg_tvs_daily_scan', 'cg_tvs_daily_scan'); function cg_tvs_daily_scan() { global $CG_TVS_Plugin; $CG_TVS_Plugin->init(); $CG_TVS_Plugin->scan(); } XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.